Lithuanian "vienis"

2022-04-08 Giedrė A. with the junior riflemen of LRU  (The Lithuanian Riflemen's Union) 211th company (Jonava riflemen) produced Lithuanian and Ukrainian "vienis"

#Lithuanian "vienis" or as we like to call it #flags of unity - these are the symbols of the Lithuanian state and military. These small flags  strengthen our connection with Lithuania, motive us and even force us to stretch in our daily lives. It is especially important to display these symbols constantly and everywhere so it could effect more and more people. Flags of unity meet state-approved standards and are distributed free of charge. We produce them using the funds provided by your supportBoth individuals and  organizations can contribute to the production of these flags. We provide all the materials and teach you how to make them.

VIENIS In the dictionary of the current Lithuanian language, one is defined as oneness, oneness: Oneness is a mathematical principle and the basis of unity 

We invite you to make yourself Lithuanian "vienis" 

Contact us: or +370 698 49 205.
Thanks to:   Vilnius City Municipality, Innovation and Technology Group

Thanks to: UAB "Baltijos arsenalas" for the support to produce 10,000 units. unity flags.
Thanks to: The Ministry of National Defense for support for the production of 3,000 units. unity flags.

About the Flag

The flag is a symbol embodying statehood and history.

in 1988 after recovering the tricolor of Lithuania, we renewed the connection with 1918. the restored state of Lithuania and its 20th century story. However, the traditions of Lithuanian culture and statehood are millennia old. These traditions were represented by the Flag of Vytis until the very end of XVII century. Lets not forget this symbol of Vytis by proudly wearing it.

The symbols on the unity flags correspond to state-approved standardsUnity flags are designed for mass universal use.  These flags of unity will be used and given during the Lithuanian military or State commemorations and  other events of important dates. Flags will be distributed free of charge. 

After cycling around Lithuania, we distributed about 10,000 unity flags. Thanks to: Giedrė AndziulytėMindaugas StiklioraitisLina Mikelyte, Audrius Ilgunas, for helping to achieve this goal, you guys are great! We started preparing and making unity flags for next year's bike tours. Of course, we are very happy that the demand for these flags has increased and we are proud of it. We already have the capacity to produce them, and more and more participants are paying and willing to produce them. We are now looking for someone who can help with the purchase of materials, i.e. we are looking for sponsors.
It's not a lot of money, but considering the need for flags, we can't cover all costs. So, if anyone thinks of contributing to this activity, we are always welcome. We do not plan to sell these flags, only to distribute them free of charge to our friends, acquaintances and other good people. Maybe someone will respond :) We organize all these activities on a voluntary basis 

LKA ''Keliautojų Klubas''.

Everyone who declares 2% personal income tax (PIT) to the Lithuanian soldiers' association ``Travelers Club'' receives a symbolic flag of unity from us. Yes, this is not a financially expensive gift, but it will be a morally very expensive gift. Why?

Here is what club member Tautvydas writes about unity flags:" I am proud to be Lithuanian. And I'm glad that there really is a considerable group of such proud people. But there are also those who need to be reminded that we are Lithuanians, that we have a flag that once fluttered from sea to sea. A flag is much more than just a cloth with a symbol - it is a sign of respect and unity. Under the flag, the army led by one goal marched, under the flag the castles were closed for defense against the enemies. We celebrate sports achievements with the flag, we tie the flag with a ribbon when we honor the losses of the past.

  • It is given for those who love Lithuania, decorate it with national symbols, and thus demonstrate the country's unity
  • By making these Unity flags with their own hands and giving them to others, Club members show respect for Lithuania and its historical memory. 
  • You get more smiles during the day, because a car with this flag parked next to you at the intersection will really kindly and friendly share a warm smile, because after all, the same unity flag will be hanging on your car.
  •  We convey the idea of ​​unity to your friends and colleagues.
  • We respect and remember our national symbols.

Esame mėgstanti keliauti šeima. 2018-aisiais, norėdami paminėti Lietuvos nepriklausomybės 100-metį, nusprendėme apkeliauti Lietuvos Respublikos perimetru ir lankytinose vietose pastebėjome, kad dauguma jų paženklintos įdomiomis vėliavėlėmis - LKA Keliautojų klubo "Valstybės vieniais", todėl kilo mintis papuošti ir įprasminti savo būsimas keliones valstybingumo atributika. Atėjus 2019-iesiems, sugalvojome keliauti baidarėmis Nemunu Birštonas-Nida, o kelionėje aplankytas vietas nusprendėme pažymėti būtent "Valstybės vieniais", todėl prieš kelionę draugų tarpe suorganizavome "Vienio" gamybos dirbtuvėles, kurių metu LKA Keliautojų klubo prezidentas ir jo nariai papasakojo apie "Vienio" sukūrimo idėją ir prasmę - tai buvo puiki proga ne tik mums, mylintiems Lietuvą ir mėgstantiems po ją keliauti žmonėms, bet ir draugams, turintiems ne tik lietuviškų, bet ir kitų tautybių šaknų, prisiliesti prie lietuviškumo idėjos puoselėjimo! O "Vieniai" papuošė Nemuno pakrančių lankytinas ir istorines Lietuvos vietas bei padovanotos kelionėje sutiktiems žmonėms. Ačiū Jums, LKA Keliautojų klubas už lietuviškumo idėjos sklaidą! Maksim B UAB "Maksimali statyba" 2019-10-12